Heavy Student Loan Debt

My name is Justin Roscoe and I graduated from the University of San Diego (USD) back in 2008. I graduated with a degree in business administration with an emphasis in marketing. The reason I went to college, my dream job is to be the head of the marketing department for a large corporation, hopefully creating and approving television advertisements for large companies. However, my current status is nowhere near that dream coming true. The reason that it's nowhere near completion, is largely in part due to the economy. My story is not one of extravagance or of too much interest, but I'll tell you what... it's a common one. I was not fortunate enough for my parents to send me to school without taking out major amounts of loans to support me, but USD was always the school I wanted to go to. In that respect, I was in the minority of my school because unlike me, my classmates had parents that were able to afford such a prestigious price tag on a 4 year education. So while I attended school, I had to work part time and go to school full time. I had to support myself in paying for my bills such as my car, insurance, cell phone, and any extra expenses in school such as books or other fees. So I was working 30 hours/week and going to school full time, which took an incredible toll on my social life. But I didn't let that stop me. I pursued year in and year out for four years at this rate and I finally obtained my degree. However, when I graduated college, the economy was in the biggest landslide it s seen in this generation, if not ever. And since I had to work so much while I was attending school in order to pay for my bills, I was not able to do any internships in my field of interest. And so when I graduated jobs in the marketing field were scarce to begin with because companies were holding back marketing budgets and other luxuries to be able to stay afloat. And with that premonition, I was not able to find an entry level marketing position at a decent firm. And so when the market finally started piecing itself back together and marketing field jobs started appearing again, it's almost as if no one will hire me without any prior marketing experience. So I appear to be stuck in the banking industry until I can find someone willing to take a chance on me. But I can't start at the bottom of the totem pole in the industry because I have all of the bills and payments that I previously had, on top of a new enormous student loan debt to pay back. So I am kind of stuck unt il I find a solution, and that's where I currenlty am in the business world. And although my story is not as fascinating as traveling the world until the job market in the U.S. picks up or having the ability to start my own business, I feel that it might be a similar story to many recent college grads in the USA. Topic: Share Your Story

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