Culinary School Debt vs. Pay

Forums: Share Your StoryI graduated from The Culinary Institute of America eight months ago. I really wanted to move out to San Fran to work, but quickly realized that wasn't an option. For four years at school, paying for a mandatory eighteen week internship, and a mandatory food and wine trip that lasted a month, I am now $90,000 in debt between federal and private loans. I didn't want for this to happen, but when you get kicked out of classes due to non full payment, you do what you have to in order to stay in school. So, here I am with over $1,100 in loan payments a month and I cook for a living. Mind you, I have a much better job than a lot of the people I graduated with. The difference, is that most people who I went to school with were rich or got help from family, but still. I work 60-75 hours a week. It is the life I chose and I am okay with the hours, but I get paid by the day, as many people working in kitchens do, and receive no overtime. I am compen sated for my time with about $2,300 a month. So, about 50% of my income goes to student loans. Add rent, gas, insurance, food, car repairs, household bills and I am negative money. So, I cannot pay my federal loans. I only pay the private ones since my Grandmother co-signed them. I am either going to be stuck only taking jobs that pay "well" in kitchens and not being able to buy a house, save, or any other normal life activities till I am near fifty, or I have to give up my dreams. I have wanted to go to the school that I did since I was eight. I have wanted to work under great chefs and one day be one. Now, I am either destined to suffer through life for my education and doing what my degree meant for me to do, or I do something else and give up on all I ever wanted to be due to loans.

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